Family Education & Support Group Services

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Family Education &
Support Groups

Open-Ended EDUCATION and SUPPORT GROUPS to HELP Those Struggling with a Loved One’s Drug Abuse & Addiction

Helpful and practical sessions designed for parents, spouses and family members who are concerned about a loved one’s harmful use of alcohol and other drugs.

Alcohol/drug abuse and addiction is prevalent in all age groups and income levels and negatively impacts not just the user’s life, but also the lives of those who love them. Riveon’s Family Education & Support Group provides a structured, caring group environment for individuals seeking support for making healthier choices for themselves and those they love. Participants are free to share common strength and hope through their past and present experiences, without fear of reprisal, judgment or negative feedback.


The goal of Riveon’s Education Group is to provide participants with basic information about alcohol and other drug addiction. Related topics assist family members in establishing healthy boundaries, recognizing the difference between responding to, rather than taking responsibility for, the addicted loved one.

The Support Group is designed and conducted primarily for parents, spouses and other family members who are concerned about a loved one’s harmful use of alcohol and other drugs. Discussion is led by a moderator. The group is encouraged to share stories and discuss healthy behaviors. The Group is not a 12-step self-help group.


Are you a parent or other family member who is concerned about a loved one’s use of alcohol or other drugs? You are not alone. Addiction negatively impacts the user’s life and the lives of those who love them. It’s estimated that 1 out of 10 people who use alcohol and as many as 6 out of I0 people who use other drugs develop alcoholism or other drug addiction and dependency. Thoughts like “it can’t happen in my family,” or “it’s just a phase they’re going through,” can fuel years of denial, during which time overwhelming emotional and financial difficulties take a toll.

The stigma associated with addiction prevents family members from identifying the problem and seeking appropriate help. For most people, recognizing the realities of addiction and therefore making healthy choices for themselves is next to impossible.


Family Education & Support Group Meetings are FREE.

Donations to support our effort can be made at the Riveon website under the DONATION link or by mail.

Thank You.


There are three different weekly meetings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Anyone interested in participating in the Family Education and Support Program needs to contact Mr. Jim Joyner directly at 216.780.3883. Jim will explain the program schedule and format, inquire as to why they are asking to participate, and provide information about the groups, format, and schedule.

The Zoom format can be accessed through a computer or a cellphone. It is best to download the free Zoom app so you can connect to the meetings. Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email along with an attachment giving an overview of the program and a schedule of upcoming meeting dates. Each week a new Zoom invitation, with specific access code, is sent out to those registered.